DAC-12100 : 低成本、超高速的12位数模转换器适用

  • DAC-12100 : 低成本、超高速的12位数模转换器适用 各种高可靠性的军工和航空应用日期: 2011年9月
  • Data Sheet : DAC-12100
  • Request Information : DAC-12100

9月Xx日,DATEL 今日宣布推出低功率的12位输出电流的数模转换器DAC-
12100系列,其具有TTL/CMOS的兼容输入。这3款超高速的元件具有100 MHz

DAC-12100 具有3.0 pV-s(如100 pV-s工业模式)的超低短时脉冲波形干扰特
性,其发出的转换噪音很小。0 至 -20.48 mA的补偿输出电流可直接驱动50 ohm的
负载。动态性能为2.02 MHz 的输出脉冲信号频率(fOUT),符合Nyquist频率,
提供– 85 dB的无杂波动态范围规格。

该转换器使用R/2R 电阻网络和分段式开关电流电池排列,以便减少短时脉冲波形干
扰。电阻网络激光微调的采用,确保了元件达到12位线性,误差0.5 LSB,穿过转

DAC-12100有密封28 引脚CLCC蘸锡引线封装可供选择,封装尺寸为11.43 x
11.43 mm (0.45 x 0.45 英寸)。该转换器具高可靠性,专为苛刻环境应用而设计,特
别是用于军用和航空平台的应用,并确保可在– 55 ℃至 + 125℃的温度范围内工


DATEL, Inc. is a leading supplier of High Precision Data Acquisition Components and DC to DC converters. Our leadership status in high-performance data acquisition components is unchallenged, driven in large part by our engineering expertise to develop solutions with outstanding electrical performance, small packaging, low power consumption and ease of use. These products employ five basic technologies: monolithic IC, thin-film hybrid, thick-film hybrid, SMT technologies and discrete component circuit.

DATEL's DC DC converter product line includes non-isolated point-of-loads dc/dc, switching regulators as well as a complete line of industry standard brick packages (Sixteenth-Brick, Eighth-Brick, Quarter-Brick, Half-Brick and Full-Brick) and railway dc-dc converters.

Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS): We have the solution to your Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) component problems. DATEL has the design knowledge and manufacturing capabilities to provide alternative solutions to on-going and mature defense and aerospace programs which suffer from Diminishing Supplier-Base issues.