SHM-14 : 全球最快14位独力取样保持放大器获35 ns 至0.003%精确度

  • SHM-14 : 全球最快14位独力取样保持放大器获35 ns 至0.003%精确度日期: 2011年12月
  • Data Sheet : SHM-14
  • Request Information : SHM-14




DATEL今日宣布推出SHM-14 14位超高速线
性取样保持放大器,专为特快数据采集应用而设计。SHM-14有70 MHz的完全功率
带宽及250 MHz的小信号带宽,分别在25 ns (+/- 0.012%) 和 35 ns (+/- 0.003%)范
围内可获12和 14位采集。这款高精准的低功率元器件孔径抖动在1 ps内,超低输
出噪音为65 uV rms。输出线性在+/- 0.0012%的范围。数字采样/取样输入是有微分
差别的并且可与包括TTL, CMOS 和 ECL逻辑系列的所有产品兼容。
SHM-14建于密封的16位陶瓷LCC 封装,有10.67 x 10.67 x 1.65 mm大小,能确

保在- 55至+ 125℃军用温度范围内工作。SHM-14备有所有符合RoHS 和 非RoHS

SHM-14 为+/- 5 VDC供电,耗电仅有275 mW。


SHM-14 在经MIL-PRF-38534 认证的厂房生产。


DATEL, Inc. is a leading supplier of High Precision Data Acquisition Components and DC to DC converters. Our leadership status in high-performance data acquisition components is unchallenged, driven in large part by our engineering expertise to develop solutions with outstanding electrical performance, small packaging, low power consumption and ease of use. These products employ five basic technologies: monolithic IC, thin-film hybrid, thick-film hybrid, SMT technologies and discrete component circuit.

DATEL's DC DC converter product line includes non-isolated point-of-loads dc/dc, switching regulators as well as a complete line of industry standard brick packages (Sixteenth-Brick, Eighth-Brick, Quarter-Brick, Half-Brick and Full-Brick) and railway dc-dc converters.

Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS): We have the solution to your Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) component problems. DATEL has the design knowledge and manufacturing capabilities to provide alternative solutions to on-going and mature defense and aerospace programs which suffer from Diminishing Supplier-Base issues.